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Friday, December 12, 2008
ASp.Net 2.0 GridView Delete Button Confirmation pop-up

While using GridView in asp.net pages wants to confirm the deletion form user. To do this we can take him to another page having GUI to confirm and then delete the record on that page.

Instead of doing so much hardwork you can achieve this on the same page with a little bit of extra code.


Add a client alert script to the delete button of every row.
In the delete event of GridView delete the record.


Page’s Aspx Design File Begins
<asp:GridView ID=”gvFaq” runat=”server” AutoGenerateColumns=”False” CellPadding=”4″
ForeColor=”#333333″ GridLines=”None” OnRowDataBound=”gvFaq_RowDataBound” OnRowDeleting=”gvFaq_RowDeleting”>
<footerstyle backcolor=”#5D7B9D” bold=”True” forecolor=”White”>
<rowstyle backcolor=”#F7F6F3″ forecolor=”#333333″>
<asp:boundfield datafield=”slno” headertext=”Sl">
<asp:boundfield datafield=”cHeading” headertext=”Question”>
<asp:boundfield datafield=”cPosition” headertext=”Position”>
<asp:commandfield headertext=”Manage” showselectbutton=”True”>
<asp:commandfield headertext=”Delete” showdeletebutton=”True”>
<pagerstyle backcolor=”#284775″ forecolor=”White” horizontalalign=”Center”>
<selectedrowstyle backcolor=”#E2DED6″ bold=”True” forecolor=”#333333″>
<headerstyle backcolor=”#5D7B9D” bold=”True” forecolor=”White”>
<editrowstyle backcolor=”#999999″>
<alternatingrowstyle backcolor=”White” forecolor=”#284775″>
Page’s Aspx Design File Ends

Code Behind File Begins
1) Import Namespaces
using System.Data.SqlClient;

2) Declare global variables which will be used in page
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da;
SqlConnection myConnection;
String connStr = “your database connection string goes here”‘;
String sql = string.Empty;

3) Page Load event
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsPostBack == false)

4) GridView filling method
private void fillGridView()

myConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr);
sql = “select * from tblFaq order by slno desc”;

da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, myConnection);
da.Fill(ds, “tblFaq”);

gvFaq.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

catch (Exception ex)

5) In the RowDataBound event add a java script event to the delete cell.
protected void gvFaq_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Cells[4].Attributes.Add(”onClick”, “return confirm(’Are you sure you want to delete the record?’);”);

6) Handle the RowDeleting event to delete the record of current row.

protected void gvFaq_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
myConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr);
sql = “delete from tblFaq where slno = ” + Convert.ToInt32(gvFaq.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Text);
SqlCommand oldcom = new SqlCommand(sql, myConnection);
Response.Write(”Record Deleted”);
catch (Exception ex)
lblError.Text = ex.Message;

Code Behind File Ends

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posted by WebTeks @ 6:06 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
How to add alert Javascript coding for Gridview?
Sometimes we need to confirm from the client side, whether to proceed for deletion operation or not? We can use this code snippet to add that alert box to the user.


Protected Sub gvcat_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvcat.RowDataBound

' This block of code is used to confirm the deletion of current record.
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Dim l As Object
' e.Row.Controls(4) is Delete button.
l = e.Row.Controls(4)
l.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return confirm('Are you sure to delete?')")
End If
End Sub

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posted by WebTeks @ 10:51 PM   0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Easy to use encrypt/decrypt functions
Here you go. This will encrypt the DES3 key in a 128 bit MD5Hash and then use that hash to encrypt at the 3x64 (192bit) DES3.

Imports System.Web.Security
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Class Crypt

Dim myKey As String
Dim cryptDES3 As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()
Dim cryptMD5Hash As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider()

Public Sub New()

myKey = "somekeyhere"

End Sub

Private Function Decrypt(ByVal myString As String) As String
cryptDES3.Key = cryptMD5Hash.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(myKey))
cryptDES3.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
Dim desdencrypt As ICryptoTransform = cryptDES3.CreateDecryptor()
Dim buff() As Byte = Convert.FromBase64String(myString)
Decrypt = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(desdencrypt.TransformFinalBlock(buff, 0, buff.Length))
End Function

Private Function Encrypt(ByVal myString As String) As String
cryptDES3.Key = cryptMD5Hash.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(myKey))
cryptDES3.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
Dim desdencrypt As ICryptoTransform = cryptDES3.CreateEncryptor()
Dim MyASCIIEncoding = New ASCIIEncoding()
Dim buff() As Byte = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(testo)
Encrypt = Convert.ToBase64String(desdencrypt.TransformFinalBlock(buff, 0, buff.Length))
End Function

End Class

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posted by WebTeks @ 9:22 PM   0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
GridView Delete, with Confirmation
Everyone likes a confirmation that lets them know that a record is being deleted. In this article, I will show you how you can prompt confirmation boxes when you delete a record from the GridView control.
Implementing the Confirmation Feature
The first thing that you need to do is to attach the JavaScript confirmation code to the delete column of the GridView control. This can be done in the Row_DataBound event of the GridView control. The Row_DataBound event is fired whenever the row is attached to the GridView. Hence, this is fired when the GridView is building for the first time or even when the page is reloaded.
Let's see the HTML part of the GridView code:
<asp:GridView DataKeyNames="CategoryID" ID="GridView1"
runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
OnRowDeleted="GridView1_RowDeleted" OnRowDeleting="GridView1_RowDeleting">
<asp:boundfield datafield="CategoryID" headertext="CategoryID">
<asp:boundfield datafield="CategoryName" headertext="CategoryName">
<asp:templatefield headertext="Select">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1"
CommandArgument='<%# Eval("CategoryID") %>'
CommandName="Delete" runat="server">
As you can see from the above code, I have three columns in the GridView. Columns CategoryID and CategoryName are the bound columns, and the column Delete is a template column. The command argument is set as the CategoryID which means that whenever the LinkButton is clicked, it will pass CategoryID as an argument. The CommandName is set to "Delete".
The CommandName property is very important. If you have a LinkButton or a Button control inside the template column of the GridView control and the CommandName property is set to "Delete", then apart from GridView_RowCommand event, the GridView_Row_Deleting event is also fired.
Now, let's see the GridView_RowBound event where I attach the JavaScript code to every LinkButton.
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender,
GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
LinkButton l = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("LinkButton1");
l.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return " +
"confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record " +
DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "CategoryID") + "')");
In the above code, I checked whether the GridView row is a DataRow, and if it is, I simply attach some JavaScript code using the Attributes.Add method.
Catching the Primary Key of the Clicked Row
Now that you have successfully attached the JavaScript code to the GridView control, all that is left is to catch the primary key of the row which you have clicked so that you can perform further operations (like deleting the row). Remember what I said about a LinkButton or a Button control with the CommandName set to "Delete"? If you don't, read the text in the box again.
The CommandName property is very important. If you have a LinkButton or a Button control inside the template column of the GridView control and the CommandName property is set to "Delete", then apart from the GridView_RowCommand event, the GridView_Row_Deleting event is also fired.
Now, since our LinkButton's CommandName is set to "Delete", it means we have two choices of getting the primary key from the GridView. We can do this in the RowCommand event, or we can do this in the Row_Deleting event. I am going to show you both of them.
Catching the primary key in the RowCommand event
This is pretty simple. All you need to do is to get the value from the CommandArgument property which you have already set to the CategoryID.
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender,
GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "Delete")
// get the categoryID of the clicked row
int categoryID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
// Delete the record
// Implement this on your own :)
e.CommandArgument returns object so you need to convert it to int as I have done above.
Catching the primary key in the Row_Deleting event
Let's see how we can catch the primary key of the clicked row in the Row_Deleting event.
runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
OnRowDeleting="GridView1_RowDeleting">protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
int categoryID = (int) GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value;

In the above technique, you must set the DataKeyNames property of the GridView to "CategoryID". The GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value property gets the CategoryID out of the row which is clicked.

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posted by WebTeks @ 3:49 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Silverlight Tutorials and eBooks

DOWNLOAD EBOOK - Silverlight and ASP.NET Revealed (Apress)

Silverlight 1.1 is a revolutionary browser plug-in that allows developers to create rich web pages. Like Adobe Flash, Silverlight supports event handling, two-dimensional drawing, video playback, and animations. Unlike Flash, Silverlight is tailored to .NET developers. Most impressively, Silverlight 1.1 applications can execute pure C# code.
The most exciting part of Silverlight is its cross-platform support. When Silverlight 1.1 is released, it will support a range of modern web browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Safari), and it will run on a variety of operating systems (including Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux). Essentially, Silverlight 1.1 will be a scaled-down, browser-hosted version of .NET. Although Silverlight 1.1 is still a long way from release, it's already generating more interest than any new Microsoft technology since .NET 1.0. Silverlight and ASP.NET Revealed provides a valuable preview that explores the alpha release of Silverlight 1.1. In it, you'll examine how you can integrate Silverlight content in an ASP.NET application, and you'll get a head start on Microsoft's next great innovation.

"Silverlight ‘WPF/E’ First Steps"
Tutorial: “Silverlight ‘WPF/E’ First Steps: Getting Started with Simple Analog Clock,” by Muhammad Mosa. Starts with an introduction to WPF/E, then discusses creating a WPF/E page, drawing clock elements, defining a canvas, drawing the clock frame and body using Ellipse; drawing clock bars, hours, minutes and seconds bars, using JavaScript to access Silverlight objects, and using JavaScript to create the Silverlight object.

"Getting Started with Silverlight"
eBook: "Getting Started with Silverlight," by Shawn Wildemuth. Topics include: why Silverlight?, what is Silverlight?, working with Silverlight XAML, comparing Silverlight and WPF, development model, using Silverlight with ASP.NET, using tools, and finding examples in the world.

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posted by WebTeks @ 2:30 AM   0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Calling Stored Procedures from ASP.NET and VB.NET
Let us see how can we create and call Stored procedures, in a .NET Environment, i.e Visual Studio.We use .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 for all the examples.

Creating Stored Procedures

Writing stored procedures has never been easy as Microsoft has almost integrated SQL Server with Visual Studio 2005. In the past most of the developers has wondered can’t we have a good editor for creating stored procedures. One of the main advantage of creating procedures in Visual Studio is it creates the basic stub for you and further more, it has inbuilt syntax checking which makes the job easier for us.

In order to create a stored procedure from Visual Studio, first you need to create a data connection from the Server Explorer and follow the below steps.

Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2005.

Step 2: Create a VB.NET / C# Windows / Web Application Project.

Step 3: Open the Server Explorer by Selecting View -> Server Explorer

Step 4: Create a Data Connection to your server you can do this by Right Clicking on the Data Connection Tree and Selecting “Add New Connection”.

Step 5: It will Prompt for the Provider Type you can select .NET SQL Server Provider as it gives more performance.

Step 6: After giving all the credentials once the connection is active expand the database that you are having.

Step 7: Expand the Stored Procedure Tree.

Step 8: To Create a New Procedure Right Click and Select “Add New Procedure”.

Step 9: The IDE will give you a Stub where you can replace the Name of the Procedure and Arguments.

Those who are familiar with Visual Studio IDE would love to create procedures here rather then doing it in Query Analyzer or in SQL Enterprise Manager, though it doesn’t provide any fancy auto complete drop downs its still the best I believe to create stored procedures.

TIP: The Maximum number of parameters in a stored procedure is 2100.

Calling Stored Procedure

Hope everyone have used SQLCommand / OLEDB Command objects in .NET. Here we can call stored procedures in two different forms, one without using parameter objects which is not recommended for conventional development environments, the other one is the familiar model of using Parameters.

In the first method you can call the procedure using Exec command followed by the procedure name and the list of parameters, which doesn’t need any parameters.


Dim SQLCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
SQLCon.ConnectionString = "Data Source=Server;User ID=User;Password=Password;"

Calling Stored Procedures with Exec command

SQLCmd.CommandText = "Exec SelectRecords 'Test', 'Test', 'Test'"
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLCon 'Active Connection

The second most conventional method of calling stored procedures is to use the parameter objects and get the return values using them. In this method we need to set the “SQLCommandType” to “StoredProcedure” remember you need to set this explicitly as the the default type for SQLCommand is SQLQuery”.

Here is an example to call a simple stored procedure.

Example - I (A Stored Procedure Returns Single Value)

In order to get XML Results from the Stored Procedure you need to first ensure that your stored procedure is returning a valid XML. This can be achieved using FOR XML [AUTO | RAW | EXPLICIT] clause in the select statements. You can format XML using EXPLICIT Keyword, you need to alter your Query accordingly

'Set up Connection object and Connection String for a SQL Client
Dim SQLCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
SQLCon.ConnectionString = "Data Source=Server;User ID=User;Password=Password;"

SQLCmd.CommandText = "SelectRecords" ' Stored Procedure to Call
SQLCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure 'Setup Command Type
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLCon 'Active Connection

The procedure can be called by adding Parameters in at least two different methods, the simplest way to add parameters and respective values is using

SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("S_Mobile", "Test")
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("S_Mesg", "Test")
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("LastMsgID", "")

In this above method, you doesn’t necessarily know the actually data type that you had in your procedure and all parameters are validated according to the type declared in your procedure but only thing is all the validations will occur in SQL and not in your client code.

We still need to declare the last parameter as Output and we need to do that explicitly as the default type is Input. So here we are going to declare the last parameter as Output by

SQLCmd.Parameters("LastMsgID").Direction = ParameterDirection.Outputfs

If you want to declare parameters properly then you need to use the below method to add all the parameters with its data type, direction. Also if you are using stored procedures to update all the rows in a dataset then you need to declare parameters in the below fashion and give SouceColumn value as the Column name in the DataTable.

SQLCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("S_Mobile", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 30, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, "91000000000"))

SQLCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("S_Mesg", SqlDbType.VarChar, 160, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 30, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, "Calling Stored Procedures from VB.NET"))

SQLCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("LastMsgID", SqlDbType.BigInt, 5, ParameterDirection.Output, False, 5, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, 0))

' The Above Procedure has two input parameters and one output parameter you can notice the same in the “Parameter Direction”
SQLCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() 'We are executing the procedure here by calling Execute Non Query.

MsgBox(SQLCmd.Parameters("LastMsgID").Value) 'You can have the returned value from the stored procedure from this statement. Its all similar to ASP / VB as the only difference is the program structure.

Example - II (Stored Procedure to get Table Result Set)

In order to get the result sets from the stored procedure, the best way is to use a DataReader to get the results. In this example we are getting the results from the Stored Procedure and filling the same in a DataTable.

Here we need to additionally declare a SQLDataReader and DataTable

Dim SQLDBDataReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim SQLDataTable As New DataTable

SQLCmd.CommandText = "GetAuthors"
SQLCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLCon
SQLCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("AuthorName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 30, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, "Y%")) SQLDBDataReader = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader() SQLDataTable.Columns.Add("AuthorName", GetType(Int32), "") SQLDataTable.Columns.Add("AuthorLocation", GetType(String), "")

Dim FieldValues(1) As Object 'A Temporary Variable to retrieve all columns in a row and fill them in Object array

While (SQLDBDataReader.Read)

End While

Example - II (Calling Simple Stored Procedure to get XML Result Set)

In order to get XML Results from the Stored Procedure you need to first ensure that your stored procedure is returning a valid XML. This can be achieved using FOR XML [AUTO | RAW | EXPLICIT] clause in the select statements. You can format XML using EXPLICIT Keyword, you need to alter your Query accordingly.

CREATE PROCEDURE GetRecordsXML (@AuthorName varchar(100))

Select Author_ID, Author_Name, Author_Location Where Author_Name LIKE @AuthorName from Authors FOR XML AUTO


When you use the above procedure you can get XML Results with TableName as Element and Fields as Attributes

Dim SQLXMLReader As Xml.XmlReader

SQLCmd.CommandText = "GetAuthorsXML"
SQLCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLCon
SQLCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("AuthorName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100, ParameterDirection.Input, False, 30, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, "Y%"))
SQLDBDataReader = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader()

SQLXMLReader = SQLCmd.ExecuteXmlReader()
While (SQLXMLReader.Read)
End While

You can further process this XML or write XSL to display results in a formatted manner. But in order to get formatted XML Results, we need to use EXPLICIT case.

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posted by WebTeks @ 5:53 AM   0 comments
JavaScript - Cross Browser Modal Dialog Box
The following JavaScript code snippet demonstrates how to create a wide variety of modal dialog boxes. The first block of JavaScript code can be put into a generic .js script file. The second JavaScript block contains a couple of wrapper samples for creating a yes, no, cancel option as well as a yes, no, maybe option to demonstrate that you can create an unlimited number of customized dialogs. You'll probably want to create a few standard options and put them in your own generic .js script file. It is pretty easy to force the window to be modal. We'll attack the issue in both the window.opener and the modal dialog window itself. In the window.opener, we'll use the window.setInterval() method to repeatedly check to see if our globally defined winmodal window is open. If so, we'll set its focus by using window.focus(). To avoid any extra window minimization of the modal dialog window, we'll call window.focus() in the dialog window body tag's onblur() event. When we launch the modal dialog window, we'll also include the name of the method we want called when an option is selected by the user and the window is closed. Notice how I opted to use eval() to dynamically fire the passed in JavaScript method when the window is closed to handle the business logic when the user selects a response. Unlike typical modal dialogs in windows, you have to separate out the code the launches the window and the code that reacts to the response into two separate JavaScript functions.I believe you'll find this to be an effective way to create modal dialog windows. In fact, it even handles the user clicking on non IE windows and then attempting to return to the window.opener or if the user tries to close the browser window by right clicking on it while in a minimized state. I hope you found this little snippet helpful.

Modal Dialog Box Sample Code

<script language="JavaScript">

var ModalDialogWindow;
var ModalDialogInterval;
var ModalDialog = new Object;

ModalDialog.value = '';
ModalDialog.eventhandler = '';

function ModalDialogMaintainFocus()
if (ModalDialogWindow.closed)
catch (everything) { }

function ModalDialogRemoveWatch()
ModalDialog.value = '';
ModalDialog.eventhandler = '';

function ModalDialogShow(Title,BodyText,Buttons,EventHandler)

ModalDialog.eventhandler = EventHandler;

var args='width=350,height=125,left=325,top=300,toolbar=0,';

ModalDialogWindow.document.write('<title>' + Title + '</title>');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('<script' language="JavaScript">');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('function CloseForm(Response) ');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('{ ');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write(' window.opener.ModalDialog.value = Response; ');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write(' window.close(); ');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('} ');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('</script' + '>');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('<body onblur="window.focus();">');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('<table border="0" width="95%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('<tr><td align="left">' + BodyText + '</td></tr>');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('<tr><td align="left"><br /></td></tr>');
ModalDialogWindow.document.write('<tr><td align="center">' + Buttons + '</td></tr>');
ModalDialogInterval = window.setInterval("ModalDialogMaintainFocus()",5);



<script language="JavaScript">

function YesNoCancel(BodyText,EventHandler)
var Buttons='';
Buttons = '<a href="javascript:CloseForm(">Yes</a> ';
Buttons += '<a href="javascript:CloseForm(">No</a> ';
Buttons += '<a href="javascript:CloseForm(">Cancel</a> ';

function YesNoMaybe(BodyText,EventHandler)
var Buttons='';
Buttons = '<a href="javascript:CloseForm(">Yes</a> ';
Buttons += '<a href="javascript:CloseForm(">No</a> ';
Buttons += '<a href="javascript:CloseForm(">Maybe</a> ';

function YesNoCancelReturnMethod()
document.getElementById('modalreturn1').value = ModalDialog.value;

function YesNoMaybeReturnMethod()
document.getElementById('modalreturn2').value = ModalDialog.value;



<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center" width="60%">
<tr><td align="left"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"></td></tr>
<td align="left"><a href="javascript:YesNoCancel('Yes, no, or cancel me',
'YesNoCancelReturnMethod()');">Show Modal #1</a>
1. <input type="text" id="modalreturn1" name="modalreturn1" value="''"></td>
<td align="left"><a href="javascript:YesNoMaybe('Yes, no, or maybe me',
'YesNoMaybeReturnMethod()');">Show Modal #2</a>
2. <input type="text" id="modalreturn2" name="modalreturn2" value="''"></td>



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posted by WebTeks @ 5:53 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
11 Ebooks on Web Development, AJAX, ASP.NET, C++, C#, and XSLT
Here is a Google Groups post that contains links to 11 freely available ebooks covering Web Development and Programming, AJAX, ASP.NET, C++ Programming, Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual C Sharp (C#), and XSLT.

To access the download link for the ebooks on rapdishare.de, click on the Free button at the bottom of the rapidshare page, wait about 30 seconds, then enter the 3 character code and click on the download button. (You will need to wait 1 hour between large downloads.). To uncompress .rar files you can use 7-Zip, available here: www.7-zip.com/download.html.

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posted by WebTeks @ 5:26 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Free Ebooks for PHP, MySQL, C#, dotNet, ADO.Net, 3d max

MySQL PHP Database Applications (zip)

PHP Functions Essential Reference (zip)

PHP 5 Fast & Easy Web Development (zip)

Spring into PHP 5 (zip)

Programmers Guide to .NET (zip)

ADO.NET in a Nutshell (zip)

Programming C Sharp (zip)

Application Development Using C# and .NET

Teach Yourself C Sharp In 24 Hours

Learning C Sharp

Core C# and .Net

PHP MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner (rar)

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posted by WebTeks @ 9:07 PM   83 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
JavaScript: Alert.Show(message) from ASP.NET Code-behind

In highly interactive websites and intranet sites, you probably want to let the users know what's going on when they delete, save, export etc. on the site.

Those kinds of status messages are widely used and are often implemented by a JavaScript alert box on the web page. ASP.NET doesn't natively support JavaScript functions from the code-behind files. You manually have to print out a script tag and add the alert() call to it.

As easy as it may be, the extensive use of the alert() status message though out a website calls for a unified and simple implementation in order to avoid duplicate code - a centralized method.

In Windows Forms it is very easy to pop up a status message by calling MessageBox.Show("message"). It is that kind of object model we want in ASP.NET for printing out JavaScript alerts. We want Alert.Show("message") in ASP.NET.

Such a thing doesn't exist so we have to create it our selves.

I've written a static class called Alert with one public method called Show. The implementation is as simple as can be. Just put the .cs file in the App_Code folder on your website and you instantly have access to the method from all pages and user controls.

using System.Web;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;


/// A JavaScript alert

public static class Alert


/// Shows a client-side JavaScript alert in the browser.

/// The message to appear in the alert.
public static void Show(string message)
// Cleans the message to allow single quotation marks
string cleanMessage = message.Replace("'", "\\'");
string script = "";

// Gets the executing web page
Page page = HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler as Page;

// Checks if the handler is a Page and that the script isn't allready on the Page
if (page != null && !page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("alert"))
page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Alert), "alert", script);


That class of only 30 lines of code enables us to add a JavaScript alert to any page at any time. Here is an example of a Button.Click event handler that uses the method for displaying status messages.

void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Alert.Show("You document has been saved");
catch (ReadOnlyException)
Alert.Show("You do not have write permission to this file");

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posted by WebTeks @ 2:29 AM   1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Computer books and manuals
http://www.fore.com/support/manuals/home/home.htm http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/webbuy/freebooks.html

The Network Book

Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc links

Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc fiction

Pimpas online books (Indonesia)

Security, privacy and cryptography

My own misc online reading material

Computer books

Star Trek eBooks

Linux documentation

FreeBSD documentation

Sun documentation

SGI documentation
http://newton.unicc.chalmers.se/ebt-bin/nph-dweb/dynaweb;td=2 | http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/tpl/cgi-bin/init.cgi

IBM Online Redbooks

Digital Unix documentation

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.0/fhs-toc.html | http://www.linuxbase.com/

UNIX stuff
http://www.uwsg.indiana.edu/usail/ http://www.isu.edu/departments/comcom/unix/workshop/unixindex.html http://www.franken.de/users/lorien/unix.html

Programmers reading

Programming Pearls 2nd edition

C stuff

Perl stuff

Java stuff

Lisp stuff

Ada stuff

Database reading

SQL stuff
http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/STAFF/E.Ferneley/SQL/index.htm http://www.daimi.au.dk/~oracle/sql/index.html

Visual Basic stuff

Handbook of Applied Cryptography

X Window System

GTK and Gnome stuff

QT and KDE stuff

Corba stuff

TCP/IP info

Misc programmers reading

Some useful tech articles

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posted by WebTeks @ 1:25 AM   0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
C++ Server Pages (CSP)
The power of C++ brought to the web! C++ Server Pages is the most powerful web engine ever, enabling C++ programmers to build superior web applications fast and easy.

Download examples

Free Download
Download a free, fully functional
copy of C++ Server Pages Engine
and unleash the power of C++
over the Web!


Newly added features!
  • Now supports Apache 1.3.x and Apache 2 for Windows
  • Built-in file upload mechanism
  • Support for MIME format messages

Top reasons for choosing C++ Server Pages:
  • Incredible processing power for your web applications.
  • Use your existing C++ code by just including it in your script.
  • Use your dynamic or static libraries by simply importing them.
  • Make direct system calls and build phenomenal web applications.
  • Use the CSP framework and write robust, pointer free scripts.
  • Supports industry leading compilers.
  • Save your system resources.
  • Works with both Microsoft IIS and Apache for Windows.



C++ Server Pages (CSP) is a Web Engine for advanced Web Application Development, that uses blended Markup Language / C++ scripts ( such as HTML/C++, XML/C++, WML/C++ etc.)

Similar to ASP and JSP, it provides a great easiness in creating web pages with dynamic content, as well as complex business applications.

However, instead of Java, Javascript or VBscript, it uses C++.

This brings some significant advantages:
  • Incredibly high processing efficiency. Benchmarks have shown a range of 80 to 250 times higher processing speed than ASP.

  • The use of pure C++ allows the use of tons of libraries that are currently available. It is important to notice that the libraries written in C++ are tens or hundreds of times more than in any other language.

  • It is widely accepted that the most skilled programmers in the IT market are the C++ ones. However, CGI, ISAPI and other frameworks where C++ applies, do not provide the web developer with facilities for efficient application development. As a result, until now, Web Development could not take advantage of the best programmers.

  • The processing efficiency of CSP allows the use of affordable systems even for complex Web Applications with heavy algorithms.

  • The ability of making direct system calls, allows the development of advanced web applications that are impossible with ASP and JSP. For example, it is possible for a CSP page to use multiple threads and do blocking tasks (credit card check, database queries etc.) simultaneously and hence faster, whereas such an accomplishment is only a dream for other technologies.

Achievements - Characteristics:
  • The CSP engine for MS IIS and Apache for Windows is based on ISAPI Extension technology and Apache module API, which provide the CSP Engine with great efficiency through IIS's or Apache's thread pooling.

  • An automatic pre-compiler has been developed that interprets the CSP blended code to pure C++. A great weight was given to the pre-compiler robustness so that it can assure error free C++ outputs.

  • The compilation of the C++ outputs, currently, is carried out by Microsoft C++ Compiler, by Borland C++ Compiler or by GNU C++ Compiler. This fact, in combination with the pre-compiler robustness, can assure the quality of the final executable modules (.dll outputs).

  • The pre-compilation and compilation take place automatically with error information, when a change on the CSP files occurs. In contrary to ISAPI and CGI applications, there is no waste of time for manual compilation of the CSP code, substantially increasing the speed of development and deployment.

  • The fact that in CSP the content of pages is produced from execution of a binary (.dll output) and not from interpretation of a script, as in ASP, is the main reason for the incredibly higher processing speed of CSP (100+ times faster than ASP).

  • The core of the engine supports configurable module pooling and sub-engine pooling. These features provide less per request overhead, smart use of system resources, and high robustness.

  • Intrinsic Objects (Response, Request, Session etc) have been developed in order to provide the basic functionality that a dynamic content Web Page needs. The design of the objects is as compatible as possible with the ASP objects, so that existing ASP developers will be familiar and existing ASP applications can be easily migrated to CSP. Also, the prototyping of these objects has a cross platform design.

  • Besides the intrinsic objects, the CSP framework provides many other highly optimized classes, such as high performance string class, thread class, thread safe object pool class, transaction classes, e-mail class, content template class and more.

  • The CSP Framework has been designed in such a way so that the developer can build applications without using pointers at all, making the code clearer and eliminating pointer related bugs.

  • The CSP engine is designed with multiple levels of Exception Handling. This is a very important feature that increases the robustness of the CSP engine and the Web Server, since unhandled exceptions may cause the web server to malfunction.

  • The CSP engine can run under COM+ or MTS. This provides the ability of working in a transactional environment, increasing the ability of creating large scale and robust business applications. Also, a couple of easy to use classes help the developer in using transactional objects or designing transactional classes by just inheriting.

  • Regarding the rules of the code blending, the syntax of the HTML/C++ code, is identical to the ASP's HTML/JScript or HTML/VBScript scripting.

  • An important limitation of the syntax above is eliminated, by the introduction of a "global scope section". Within this section, the developer, can include files, define additional functions, classes, and global variables, or insert compiler and linker directives as well, using pure C++ code (and not any other weird and unfamiliar syntax). Additionally, since the .dll modules are pooled, "start-up" and "clean-up" sections are introduced so that specific tasks can be performed when a module is loaded and unloaded.

  • CSP gives you the ability of separating HTML from C++ code, by using content template files and a special Template class. This feature provides a) the ability of maintaining very long scripts, which could be very confusing when HTML, client side javascript and server side C++ is blended, and b) the ability of creating automated content by other tools (for example visual development tools).

  • The CSP Engine comes with a Management Console which provides easy configuration of the engine and supports optimization choices.

  • A new performance feature is supported by CSP. Existing CSP pages can automatically be converted to static pages. This feature reduces the use of resources and increases the performance. This feature is very useful for pages like "Tickers" and "Catalogues" that are heavily used but rarely updated, reducing the database workload.

  • After exhaustive performance tests of many millions of HTTP requests, the engine has proven absolute stability.
[Source taken from http://www.micronovae.com/]

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posted by WebTeks @ 2:38 AM   0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Free Books & Tutorials on Visual Studio.Net and FAQs
Here is the List of some of the very useful Books which contains lot of useful study material for Free. (Updated Links)

Free online Visual Studio.Net Books

Oreilly Mastering Visual Studio Dot NET :(Book is in CHM format ) (BOOK)
  1. An excellent book for Mestering Visual Studio.NET. This book tells how to made maximum out of Visual Studio.NET. .(Link taken From ftp://ftp.cdut.edu.cn/pub3/uncate_doc/ )
  2. MSPressVCNETStepByStep : (18.2 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    Link taken From http://jztele.com/~coldice/book/net/)
  3. The Book of Visual Studio.NET : (4.9 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    this book tells how to made maximum out of Visual Studio.NET. (Link taken From http://jztele.com/~coldice/book/net/)
  4. Visual Studio.Net with C# : (in HTML format ) Free
    this book tells how to made maximum out of Visual Studio.NET
    (Link taken From http://www.vijaymukhi.com/ )
  5. Visual Studio.Net - Controls and Add-ins : (in HTML format ) Free
    It is an excellent Book for customaries Visual Studio.NET .It teaches how to programming Macros for Visual Studio.NET and how to made add-Ins for Visual Studio.NET. (Link taken From http://www.vijaymukhi.com/ )


  1. C# FAQ :
    These are very good collection of FAQs if you are from C++ background. FAQ tries to address many of the basic questions that C++ developers have when they first come across C#.
  2. .NET FAQ :
    This FAQ tries to answer some commonly asked questions about the fundamentals of the .NET Framework - topics like assemblies, garbage collection, security, interop with COM, and remoting. The most commonly-used parts of the class library are also covered.
  3. Windows Forms FAQ : (best)
    George Shephard/syncfusion's Windows Forms FAQ is a very large collection (300+) of useful tips on implementing all the various WinForms controls found in the .NET library.This are the best set of FAQ that I has Find.
    It covers Windows Forms, GDI+, Interoperability , Tools , Design Time , VS.NET , Framework Tips, Network Tips, Data Binding , Datagrid etc.
  4. C# From a Java Developer's Perspective :
    It is the best and most detailed comparison of the two languages.It has lot of good example and is very useful in understanding the concepts of both the languages.
    What follows is an overview of similarities and differences between the language features and libraries of the C# and Java programming languages.
  5. Insider's Guide to IT Certification -Download it now for instant advice!
    The Insider's Guide to IT Certification is a how-to manual that helps people looking to become certified in the IT industry conserve their valuable time and money while pointing out the best study guides and suggesting ways to become successful in IT.

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posted by WebTeks @ 11:04 PM   0 comments
Free Books & Tutorials on DotNet Framework
Here is the List of some of the very useful Books which contains lot of useful study material for Free. (Updated Links)

Free online Dot NET Framework Books

  1. How to Code .NET: Tips and Tricks for Coding .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 Applications Effectively (Book is in PDF format ) Free (UPDATED)
    How to Code .NET: Tips and Tricks for Coding .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 Applications Effectively provides solutions to certain problems. That is, specific problems. This book provides detailed, authoritative explanations of good .NET coding techniques. Its based on award-winning material that author Christian Gross has previously presented at conferences throughout the US and Europe. Whats more, the author is at the forefront of the .NET technology wave and an acknowledged expert on the subject of .NET coding style and techniques.
  2. Addison Wesley Windows Forms 2.0 Programming (2nd Edition) MAY 2006 : (Book is in RAR format ) Free (UPDATED)
    Windows Forms 2.0 Programming is the successor to the highly praised Windows Forms Programming in C#. This edition has been significantly updated to amalgamate the sheer mass of new and improved support that is encompassed by Windows Forms 2.0, the .NET Framework 2.0, and Visual Studio 2005.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  3. The Definitive Guide to the .NET Compact Framework: (Book is in CHM format ) Free
    The Definitive Guide to the .NET Compact Framework targets both first time and experienced mobile developers and is a comprehensive guide to building mobile applications using the .NET Compact Framework (CF) and Smart Device Extensions (SDE) for Visual Studio .NET.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  4. .NET Development Security Solutions : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    The .NET Framework offers new, more effective ways to secure your Web and LAN-based applications. .NET Development Security Solutions uses detailed, code-intensive examples--lots of them--to teach you the right techniques for most scenarios you're likely to encounter.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  5. Best Kept Secrets in .NET : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Whether you are a new or experienced .NET programmer, this book offers data management methods that you might frequently miss in the rush to complete projects on time. Author Deborah Kurata writes a handy, complete guide to lead you through hidden features and tricks buried within Visual Studio.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  6. Understanding .NET (2nd Edition) : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Offers developers and technical managers a concise guide to the new landscape of Windows development. The book's independent perspective and straightforward descriptions make clear both the how the .NET technologies work and how they can be used.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  7. Professional .NET Framework 2.0 : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    *Offering authoritative, field-proven advice from a Microsoft insider, this book teaches the underlying commonalities that developers can use regardless of their language choice or development tools.
    *Extensive use of examples and working code provides developers with practical and authoritative coverage of the CLR (common language runtime) and APIs, the building blocks that make it possible to write in any choice of language
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  8. Programming Microsoft Web Forms : (Book is in CHM format ) Free
    Windows Web Forms pages can streamline development for a variety of applications-but many Microsoft WindowsR-related programming books skip over the details that allow developers to take full advantage of Web Forms.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  9. Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C#: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    By using C# and the final beta of NET 2.0, this book covers Windows Forms and GDI+ namespaces thoroughly for the .NET programmer in 2005.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  10. Beginning Visual Web Developer 2005 Express: From Novice to Professional : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    The primary goal of this book is to demonstrate Visual Web Developer 2005 Express's effectiveness when developing applications. The secondary goal is to examine how coding best-practices can be applied with this new product.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  11. .NET Framework Solutions: In Search of the Lost Win32 API : (Book is in PDF format ) Free
    If you've begun programming using Microsoft's .NET Framework, you've discovered a lot of new and improved functionality. But, more than likely, you've also discovered a lot of missing functionality. Indeed, a third of the functions supported by the old Win32 API are not yet supported by .NET. Although you may not at first notice the loss of Win32 API functionality in .NET, the more you program, the more you'll realize how essential it is.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  12. GDI+ Programming in C# and VB .NET : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    GDI+ both wraps arcane API calls and extends them for much easier use. Programmers no longer have to make do with the familiar but simplistic VB 6.0 drawing model, nor do they have to dig down into the GDI API in order to get any real work done.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  13. Professional .NET 2.0 Generics : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    The power and elegance of generic types have long been acknowledged. Generics allow developers to parameterize data types much like you would parameterize a method. This brings a new dimension of reusability to your types without compromising expressiveness, type-safety, or efficiency.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  14. Programming. NET Windows applications : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    With this tutorial, you will explore all aspects of using .NET Windows Forms class libraries and the associated programming tools in Visual Studio .NET, enabling you to build applications for the Windows 9x, Windows 2000 and Windows XP desktop platforms.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  15. . Net & XML : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    .NET & XML provides an in-depth, concentrated tutorial for intermediate to advanced-level developers. Additionally, it includes a complete reference to the XML-related namespaces within the .NET Framework.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  16. Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation is a premium reference that provides information on a key part of WinFX, providing universally accessible and consistent workflow technology for the Windows platform.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  17. Open Source .NET Development : Programming with NAnt, NUnit, NDoc, and More : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Now, for the first time, programmers can develop and use open-source projects that are based on a language that is an international standard as well as compatible with both Microsoft and Linux platforms. Open Source .NET Development is the definitive guide on .NET development in an open-source environment Inside, readers will find in-depth information on using NAnt, NDoc, NUnit, Draco.NET, log4net, and Aspell.Net with both Visual Studio .NET and the Mono Project.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  18. Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    This self-paced learning tool is designed to help any developer master the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and illustrates concepts with definitive and intuitive game programming examples.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  19. Maximizing .NET Performance : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Maximizing .NET Performance is the first book dedicated entirely to providing developers and architects with information on .NET Framework performance.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  20. .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshel : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    NET Windows Forms are a powerful technology for building a large class of applications for the Windows .NET platform. They offer nearly the same power and flexibility of classic Win32 development, but for a fraction of the effort.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  21. .NET Security and Cryptography : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Security and cryptography, while always an essential part of the computing industry, have seen their importance increase greatly in the last several years. Microsoft's .NET Framework provides developers with a powerful new set of tools to make their applications secure.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  22. .NET Gotchas : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Like most complex tasks, .NET programming is fraught with potential costly, and time-consuming hazards. The millions of Microsoft developers worldwide who create applications for the .NET platform can attest to that. Thankfully there's now a book that shows you how to avoid such costly and time-consuming mistakes. It's called .NET Gotchas.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)

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posted by WebTeks @ 11:02 PM   0 comments
Free Books & Tutorials on VB.NET
Here is the List of some of the very useful Books which contains lot of useful study material for Free. (Updated Links)

Free online VB .NET Books

  1. Expert One-on-One Visual Basic .NET Business Objects : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Whether you've already made the move to Visual Basic .NET, or you want to know what's in it for you when you do, Expert One-on-One Visual Basic .NET Business Objects will show you the kinds of opportunities that .NET makes available. It will allow you to make clear, informed decisions about the right way to develop your projects, and show you how the trade-off between performance and flexibility can be made successfully.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  2. Data Entry and Validation with C# and VB. NET Windows Forms: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Data Entry and Validation with C# and VB .NET Windows Forms is a complete text on how to write effective data entry and validation code. Most books deal only with the individual pieces of .NET, such as the controls or how the .NET Framework works.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  3. Visual Basic .NET Bible: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Visual Basic .NET Bible covers everything you need to get up and runningwith this much changed version of Visual Basic and to begin creating applications for the new Microsoft.NET Platform.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  4. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 2005: The Language : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Get the expert insights, indispensable reference, and practical instruction needed to exploit the core language features and capabilities in Visual Basic 2005.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  5. Programming Visual Basic 2005: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    The book is divided into three parts--Building Windows Applications, Building Web Applications, and Programming with Visual Basic--each of which could be a book on its own. The author shares his thorough understanding of the subject matter through lucid explanations and intelligently designed lessons that guide you to increasing levels of expertise.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  6. Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Based on the newest version of Microsoft's VB. NET, this revision of Schneider's best-selling guide is designed for readers with no prior computer programming experience. The author uses Visual Basic .NET 2005 to explore the fundamentals of programming, building a strong foundation that will give students a sustainable understanding of programming.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  7. Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    *Visual Basic is Microsoft's premier programming language, used by more than three million developers and in 50 million Windows applications
    *Programming pro and veteran Wrox author Bill Sempf has thoroughly overhauled the book's organization and content, making it even more accessible to programming beginners
    *Highlights new VB features and functions, including important advances in compatibility with older VB versions
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  8. Visual Basic 2005 Jumpstart: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Visual Basic 2005 Jumpstart lets you get the feel of this platform for building smart/rich Windows Forms clients, ASP.NET web applications, and web services. Author Wei-Meng Lee, a Microsoft .NET MVP, veteran O'Reilly author and frequent contributor to the O'Reilly Network, has put together three useful test-drive projects, complete with code samples.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  9. Visual Basic 2005 : A Developer's Notebook: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Visual Basic 2005: A Developer's Notebook provides the ideal test track. With nearly 50 hands-on projects, this practical introduction to VB 2005 will bring you up to speed on all the new features of this language by allowing you to work with them directly.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  10. Visual Basic 2005 In a Nutshell : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    When Microsoft made Visual Basic into an object-oriented programming language, millions of VB developers resisted the change to the .NET platform. Now, after integrating feedback from their customers and creating Visual Basic 2005, Microsoft finally has the right carrot.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  11. Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Visual Basic 2005 focuses on enabling developers to rapidly build applications, with enhancements across its visual designers, code editor, language, and debugger that help accelerate the development and deployment of robust, elegant applications across the Web, a business group, or an enterprise. Now you can teach yourself the essentials of working with Microsoft Visual StudioR 2005.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  12. Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Written for the beginning programmer with little to no prior programming experience, Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner teaches programming skills using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition as a foundation language.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  13. Visual Basic 2005 Express: Now Playing : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Many beginning programming books try to teach the reader three things at the same time: how to write a program, how to write a program using a particular programming language, and how to write a program using a particular compiler.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  14. Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference Visual Basic 2005 adds new features to Visual Basic (VB) that make it a more powerful programming language than ever before. This combined tutorial and reference describes VB 2005 from scratch, while also offering in-depth content for more advanced developers.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  15. Professional VB 2005 : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Visual Basic .NET has changed dramatically from its predecessor, and this book shows developers how to build traditional console applications, ASP.NET applications, XML Web Services, and more The top-notch author team shares their years of experience in VB programming and helps readers take their skills to new heights Addresses issues such as security, data access (ADO.NET),.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  16. Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    This text analyzes the new defect types that arise with VB.NET, and investigates the debugging of every type of VB.NET application together with many common debugging scenarios.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  17. Security for Microsoft Visual Basic. NET: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    With this text, readers master common security principles and techniques, such as how to do private key encryption, implement a login screen, configure Microsoft .NET policy tools, and perform a security audit.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  18. Visual Basic. NET professional projects : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Learn how you can use Visual Basic .NET to accomplish real-world professional tasks. Incorporating five hands-on projects, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of Visual Basic .NET.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  19. Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005 is a comprehensive resource of correct coding procedures. Author Daniel Clark takes you through all the stages of a programming project, including analysis, modeling, and development, all using object-oriented programming techniques and VB .NET.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  20. Learn VB .NET Through Game Programming : (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    This self-paced learning tool is designed to help any developer master the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and illustrates concepts with definitive and intuitive game programming examples.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  21. Database Access with Visual Basic .NET, Third Edition: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Whether you are using WinForms, WebForms, or Web Services, Database Access with Visual BasicÂR .NET, Third Edition, is your practical guide to developing database applications with Visual Basic .NET and ADO.NET. The authors provide real-world solutions to the data-access issues Visual Basic .NET developers face every day and share their secrets for becoming a more effective database programmer using .NET technologies.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  22. Beginning Visual Basic 2005: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    After a brief introduction to Visual Studio 2005 and the. Net Framework, the expert authors introduce readers to the fundamentals of the Visual Basic 2005 language End-of-chapter exercises help readers to quickly learn to build rich and professional-looking applications for Microsoft Windows, intranets and the Internet.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  23. Beginning Visual Basic .NET Database Programming: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    This book has been fully tested on and is compliant with the official release of NET. Almost all applications have to deal with data access in some way or another. This book will teach you how to build Visual Basic. NET applications that make effective use of databases.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  24. The Ultimate VB.NET and ASP.NET Code Book: (Book is in RAR format ) Free
    Within these pages, you'll learn how to create exciting new XP-style interfaces, and how to code ultra-thin Windows applications that automatically update via the Web.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)

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posted by WebTeks @ 10:58 PM   0 comments
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